Lignosulfonate treatment

Concrete production
Building materials production
Keramzit production
For uphole oilmen
For diggers
For metallurgists
For chemists


  Building materials production

Due to its astringent, sticking and surface active properties lignosulfonates are used for producing plates: wood chips, wood-fiber and mineral-cotton. As in this production rather deficit, expensive, toxic, phenolformaldehyde, carbamide-phenolformaldehyde loams are used, mixture of modified lignosulfonate (20-30%) and loam lets to get combined binder.

Thus toxication of plates, machined with additives on the base of lignosulfonates, reduces up to 50%. If we use 40 kg/m³ of lignosulfonate while producing of mineral-cotton plates, we can succeed in fall-off of flow volume of toxic phenolic alcohols and therefore significal reducing of noxious emissions to the atmosphere. In addition wares are more firm and water-proof.

Wargeza Group LIMITED - 2007