Concrete production:
- rises concrete constructions ruggedness up to 20-25%
- rises resistance to frost in 3-4 times
- cuts back on mixtures
Building materials production:
- wood chips plates
- wood-fiber plates
- mineral-cotton plates
- materials toxicity reduction (up to 50%)
- rising of water-resistance and production resistance
- reduction of emissions to atmosphere in the production process
Keramzit production:
- intensification of buildup process keramzit
- rising of raw bloating
- rising of product's durability
- reducing of product's solidity
For uphole oilmen:
- component of gel-forming systems
- reagent for regulating of mud flushes
- Increase of the oil production
For diggers:
- flotation reagent
- component of solutions for drill well moonpool hardening
For metallurgists:
- reduction of prime cost in changing of toxic and expensive materials
- reduction of temperature and time of warm solidification of core
- rising of core durability
- flotation reagent and binding reagent for briqueting close grained raw
- plastificator in iron, steel production, agglomeration of metallic mineral, acid corrosion, hardening etc.
For chemists:
- food vanilin production
- dispergator and stabilizer of suspensions
- treater in the chemical production